September Badges
September 2nd- Badge Vault Day! Noon Yahtzee, 3pm Pachisi, 6:30pm Spades, 7pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta and 10pm Tri- Peaks Solitaire
September 4th- Labor Day Badge Day! 1pm Yahtzee, 3pm Pachisi, 5pm Canasta, 6:30pm Spades, 7pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta, 8:30pm Spades and 10pm Gin
September 6th- Family Feud Night at 5pm in Canasta and 7pm in Yahtzee
September 9th- Yahtzee 3 vs 3 at 7pm
September 7th- Birthday Bash for September Babies- Noon Yahtzee, 2pm Pachisi, 7pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta, 8:30pm Spades, 10pm BackGamnmon
September 10th- Grandparents Badges at 2pm Yahtzee, 6:30pm Spades, 7pm Yahtzee ,8pm Canasta and 10pm Bowling
September 11th- Badge Day * 9/11* At Noon Yahtzee, 2pm Pachisi, 5pm Canasta, 7pm Yahtzee and 8:30pm Spades
September 12th- *Myras Yahtzee Special at 7pm * Special Prize and Badges to winner
​September 13th- Survivor Night 5pm Canasta and 7pm Yahtzee
September 14th- Badge Vault Day! Noon Yahtzee, 3pm Pachisi, 6:30pm Spades, 7pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta and 10pm BackGammon
​September 16th- Battle of the Sexes at 7pm in Yahtzee
​September 17th- Name That Tune Badges at 6:30pm in Spades, 8pm in Canasta and 8:30pm in Spades
​September 18th- Badge Day * Air Force* 1pm Yahtzee, 3pm Pachisi, 6pm Yahtzee, 7:30pm Spades, 8pm Canasta and 10pm Gin
September 21st- Badge Vault Day! Noon Yahtzee, 3pm Pachisi, 6:30pm Spades, 7pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta and 10pm BackGammon
​September 23rd- Members Appreciation Day! Special Badge Tours at 1pm Yahtzee, 6pm Yahtzee, 8pm Canasta, 8:30pm Spades and 10pm Euchre. Staff and Member to win most tours will win a special Badge!
September 24th- Staff vs Members at 7pm in Yahtzee